How to Enlighten & Educate Others about Bipolar

By Stephen Propst

Stigma may be a formidable force, but you and I can and MUST work together to confront it, challenge it, and one day eradicate it!

Don’t Let the Stigma of Bipolar Disorder Stop You

I’ve battled with stigma for more than 30 years. It’s cost me relationships, jobs, and other opportunities. I know people who are in prison instead of a treatment center because they were too ashamed to admit they had bipolar disorder. I’ve known even more who took their lives because they shied away from getting help.

Ending stigma won’t take place overnight, but it must be dealt with head-on. The costs of ignoring it are too high.

I try to combat stigma in at least four areas:

#1 Misinformation

Stigma results when a certain group of people is labeled as tainted or less worthy simply because they possess a particular characteristic.

Despite research showing the biological nature of bipolar, society is still too intolerant of people with a psychiatric diagnosis. Such ignorance can lead to an unwillingness to work with, socialize with, or live next door to someone who has bipolar.

I try to use my own story to enlighten others in everyday encounters. To the extent that you feel comfortable, confront others with the facts. If you choose to disclose your diagnosis, be matter-of-fact about your typical symptoms and emphasize the strategies that help you stay in balance. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper, or take part in a public awareness event. Learn more about efforts like NAMI’s stigma-free campaign.

#2 Misperception

Those of us living with a mood disorder know what it’s like to have people avoid us or use demeaning language about us (“He’s nuts, you know”). I’ve had acquaintances distance themselves from me rather than deal with my bipolar idiosyncrasies.

People may even belittle the truth of what we’re living with. A family friend once told me I was “too smart to have bipolar.” Hearing that made me feel like I was stupid, as if I must have made up my diagnosis.

We’ve all heard people say things like, “Bipolar disorder is all in your head.” In reality, such myths are in their heads, and we must all do what we can to change their perceptions by letting them know that bipolar is a treatable medical condition. Otherwise, they will continue to believe the falsehoods and perpetuate stigma.

#3 Dehumanization

When you reduce someone to a diagnosis, you invalidate him or her as a singular human being. Sometimes we do that to ourselves. In the support groups I lead, a person might introduce herself and say, “I’m bipolar.” I’ll correct her and say, “No, you have bipolar.” It’s an important distinction: having bipolar does not define who you are.

I’ve learned not to dwell too much on the fact that I have this chronic condition. I try to let people see what else defines me—like my sense of humor! When you give others a glimpse of what makes you special, you give them less of a chance of seeing you as nothing more than a set of symptoms.

#4 Discrimination

Years ago, I was director of quality control for a major organization. Shortly after getting a 95 percent approval rating for a company-wide seminar I presented, I was terminated—there was “just something not quite right” about me. I didn’t pursue the matter legally because an attorney advised me it would be overly taxing.

Today, I might be more willing to take the case to court—I admire others who do just that. At a minimum, I would seek out employers who are sensitive to mental health issues and are willing to offer reasonable accommodation.

Even though it can feel overwhelming, don’t let fear stop you from stopping stigma. Educate yourself and others about the true nature of brain-based illnesses like bipolar. Stigma may be a formidable force, but we can and must confront it and one day (hopefully) eradicate it altogether!

Used by permission.


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