Rx 4 Wholeness Tools for Mental Wellness

Track Your Mental Wellness And See Your Progress On Your Dashboard

Every day receive a wellness survey in your email to help track how you are feeling and succeeding with following the steps of Rx 4 Wholeness.

Find Courses And Create Healthy Habits

As part of our Rx 4 Wholeness program we have comprehensive proactive training designed to help caregivers and those who struggle with mental health.

Create A Healthy Outlet With Private Digital Journaling

There are multiple studies that conclude this daily practice can help in mental clarity and emotional well-being. Private journaling is provided throughout the platform and included in the eLearning courses.

Succeed And Help Others Succeed

Joining a supportive community has been proven to be a key ingredient to managing your mental health. The Rx 4 wholeness community is safe and secure allowing you to develop those crucial connections.

Interfaces of the well-being check in and dashboard
Three courses
Interfaces of the journal page
A woman talking to people

Sign Up For Courses, Learn Healthy Habits, Manage Struggles

In a crisis, fear and pain immobilizes you, leaving you isolated not knowing a next step. Our comprehensive training when added with biblical insights help you see and take the next steps that lead to wholeness and an abundant life.

  • An introduction to Acceptance: Embracing the Journey Within - Manuscript Version

    Caregiver and Sufferer
    Addiction & Recovery, Anxiety or Fear, Bipolar, Faith, General, Guilt, Loneliness, Mental Health Conditions, Relationships, Schizophrenia, Shame
  • Welcome to "Acceptance: Embracing the Journey Within," a transformative course designed to explore the profound benefits of embracing and accepting the mental, emotional, or addictive challenges that
    Caregiver and Sufferer
    Addiction & Recovery, Anxiety or Fear, Bipolar, Community, Faith, General, Guilt, Loneliness, Mental Health Conditions, Relationships, Shame
  • Have you ever thought you were battling your mind? Maybe you have been struggling to control your thoughts and behaviors. You may believe the situation will never change.

    Caregiver and Sufferer
    Addiction & Recovery, Relationships, Mental Health Conditions, Loneliness, General, Faith, Caregiver Exhaustion, Bipolar, Anxiety or Fear

Start Building Healthy Habits Today!

Joining the Rx 4 Wholeness training program can help you find the peace and joy you have been missing. Through habitual practice the skills taught in our training will help you build new neural pathways that will allow your old bad habits to die and new healthy ones to take over.

Join Our Community

