• Forks in the Road

    Lord please guide me in every decision I make and every step that I take.   Please help me to drown out the noise that I can hear your voice guiding me.   Soften my hardened heart so that I can accept your will as my own and give me a good bop in the head so that it follows my heart.   There seem to be so many new things, challenges, lessons, and opportunities that are presenting themselves and I want to be in the center of your will so I ask for your holy spirit to wash over me and take the

    August 8, 2023
  • Forks in the Road

    Lord please guide me in every decision I make and every step that I take.   Please help me to drown out the noise that I can hear your voice guiding me.   Soften my hardened heart so that I can accept your will as my own and give me a good bop in the head so that it follows my heart.   There seem to be so many new things, challenges, lessons, and opportunities that are presenting themselves and I want to be in the center of your will so I ask for your holy spirit to wash over me and take the

    August 8, 2023
  • A bad day

    I had a rough day please pray for me and my family. 
    July 7, 2023
  • For my family and my world

    Please pray for my Family and my world. Please pray God would bless and keep us and His face would always shine upon us.  
    June 29, 2023
  • How to Videos

    Please pray that our how to videos help everyone to easily navigate Rx 4 Wholeness.  May they allow each person to enjoy the platform and quickly find everything they need.  
    June 26, 2023
  • Ends Meet

    I could use so prayer at this time as I continue to struggle financially.  The frustrating part is that I work from 60-75 hours a week (40 paid) and I still live paycheck to paycheck.     Rising costs are making it more difficult than ever.   I don't want to go back to working 2 jobs AND doing the volunteer work that I do.   My mental health is starting to feel the effects of the stress and I need relief.    I need God's divine guidance and a sense of peace.
    June 14, 2023
  • Friends need prayer

    I have a friend name Jose who has stage 4 melanoma. Please pray for him. His new pet scans were not positive. He has many new cancer areas developing. Also pray for a Rev Wayne's brother who also received similar news.
    June 12, 2023
  • Asking for a friend

    I’ve got a very dear friend who is going through some rough waters right now and could use our prayer support. Please join me in praying for them. Just refer to them as Jeff’s friend. Thank you so much!
    June 6, 2023
  • Complete Wellness

    Please pray for an upcoming medical procedure requiring significant healing time. That God will guide the doctor's hands and grant me patience and peace.
    June 2, 2023
  • Monday

    Pray for a good week and blessings for all working with HWH
    May 15, 2023
  • Protect the People on our platform and Rx4

    Lord may your Spirit rein here on Rx 4 Wholeness. Bless all who choose to be here. Protect and guide us all. Allow nothing that sets it self up against you be here or flourish here. May it alway be a safe place to here people feel at home and help them all move to shalom shalom…perfect peace or Wholeness. 
    May 5, 2023
  • Closing in our first week complete

    Lord help us be successful in gathering your people in one location and as a flock help us take down the strong hold of how we do mental health in America.
    May 4, 2023
  • His Will Homes Prayers

    I pray for the His Will Homes that the organization, the team around them, the donors and the new platform, Rx 4 Wholeness will lift up individuals dealing with mental and emotional health.  I pray these individuals will find help through God and the His Will Homes.
    May 3, 2023
  • Giving Thanks

    Want to Praise the Lord today for going beside all at His Will Homes for getting to this point.  My prayer is that people who come to this site will find a place of healing on their personal journey. 
    May 1, 2023

