Graphic of a woman holding her head and looking stressed

Coping Skills

Stress can be a struggle most often identified with general anxiety disorder. Learn how to manage stress with effective strategies available in our online courses. Read relevant articles related to struggles and lifestyle management. Take our free online assessment and see where you rank.

Take Our Screening

General Information

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) usually involves a persistent feeling of anxiety or dread, which can interfere with daily life. It is not the same as occasionally worrying about things or experiencing anxiety due to stressful life events. People living with GAD experience frequent anxiety for months, if not years. Not sure where you fit? Take our assessment.

Anxiety & Fear are treatable struggles.
People that find the proper help can get better. Our content is designed to help you manage struggles and evaluate how you are feeling so you can track growth.


  • Feelings of Apprehension
  • Anticipating the Worst
  • Sweating or Tremors
  • Upset Stomach
  • Feeling Tense or Jumpy
  • Pounding or Racing Heart
  • Headaches
  • Excessive Urination or Diarrhea
  • Restlessness or Irritability
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Fatigue or Insomnia
  • Excessive Worrying

About Rx 4 Wholeness

Our courses are designed to teach you useful skills that help manage struggles and provide structure. Through our Rx 4 Wholeness platform, you will have access to useful tools that help you assess where you are at, find help, create routine, provide healthy outlets, and track progress. See how it works :

Take our screening
Enroll in a course
Track your progress using what you have learned
Journal about your journey
Do your daily check-ins
Screening and Results
Courses stacked on top of each other
Woman reading
Example of the journal interface
Wellness check in and dash board


Articles from both Rx 4 Wholeness and the Community that deal with this struggle.

  • May 9, 2024
    Stacey Brake

     Have you ever felt overwhelmed and wondered…”Am I losing it?  Why can’t I keep up?  Why do I

    Caregiver and Sufferer
    Coping Skills
  • April 19, 2024
    Stacey Brake

    If you are anything like I used to be, you wait to ask for help.

    Coping Skills
  • April 11, 2024
    Stacey Brake

    Living my Best Life!

    Caregiver and Sufferer
    Coping Skills

Start Building Healthy Habits Today!

Joining the Rx 4 Wholeness training program can help you find the peace and joy you have been missing. Through habitual practice the skills taught in our training will help you build new neural pathways that will allow your old bad habits to die and new healthy ones to take over.

Join Our Community

