Living My Best Life

Living my Best Life!

We’ve said it so much that maybe it has become cliche. I have been guilty of using the phrase when things are actually going wrong…sarcasm is a great buffer! “Don’t mind me, just living my best life over here! LOL”

But, it’s still a great question to ask yourself. Are you living your best life? And… What’s getting in the way of you living your best life? Is it anxiety? Anxiety changes you.

Anxiety changes how you see the world. Anxiety changes how you interact. Anxiety changes the risks you’re willing to take. Anxiety changes your physiology and biology. Anxiety can change who you are fundamentally.

You probably already know that.

Many people don’t believe that they have the ability to change their emotional state. It feels so automatic. It feels driven by outside forces. Those are true but not the only truth.

Anxiety is the most common mental health issue in America. AND…it’s very treatable.

Maybe you feel that you have a purpose that isn’t being expressed. Maybe you feel that you have more to give if you weren’t so exhausted. Maybe you feel you’d be a better mother if you only had time to make more homemade dinners and play games with your kids.

This isn’t about going through hard times. That is going to happen. But within our everyday life experience, we should be living our best life.

If you feel that your best life is being blocked by someone or something outside of your control, I have good and bad news. You can choose to live your best life TODAY.

Dr. Covey (author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) says that each one of us can carry our own weather. That means, we choose our mood, we choose how we view and interact with the world. We aren’t simply helpless creatures pushed and pulled by external forces. We have far more power than we believe. It’s great news because we have control. It’s bad news because we are responsible.

Are you waiting for everything to start going your way to feel good and live your best life? OR Are you ready to take the reins and start living your best life now?

Here are some things to put in your journal.

#1: What EXACTLY would it look like to live my best life? Describe in detail a day in your "best life scenario".

#2: What's stopping you from living that now?

#3: What is one thing you could do differently that would make a big impact and help you get closer to living your best life?

You deserve the joy and peace you desire! I’m cheering you on!

Much Love, Stacey

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