Lynn Rae

Lynn Rae PhotoLynn Rae was diagnosed with depression at age 30 and bipolar disorder at age 35.  She has been living with these illnesses since 1991 and has had numerous hospitalizations.  Two psychiatrists told her at age 39 she would never work full time again.  She has proven them wrong.

She has written two books. The “The F Book” aka “7 Fs to Creating Your Fantastic Future” teaches you how by incorporating these F’s will lead to a happier, healthier, more joy-filled life.  Those Fs are: Family, Friends, Fun, Fitness, Fulfillment, Finances and Faith.  The other book is called “My Journey Back To Myself” which depicts her struggles and recovery from bipolar disorder.

As an Inspirational Speaker she shares with others her coping strategies in living with bipolar disorder and how she learned to be a productive member of society again, thrive and have a joy-filled life despite the label she was given. 

Lynn Rae makes her home in Newmarket, Ontario.  In the summer she loves taking care of her vegetable garden and eating fresh from it every day. 

